Jul 30, 2013

A dedication to my sister....you know who you are

Let's go back, shall we??

Family Picture 2000 (taken by Jerek??)
You know, one of those weekends I bring the boyfriend home and he takes the family pictures.

Seattle 2001
Trenton & Tiffany's wedding trip
I love that Grandma came with us.

Now let's go WAY back. 

I'm the cute one with the knee high socks. Cousin Margaret on the end wanting to be in the family picture. Remember those lamps??

Ah, this is a good one. Missing one still, though....
There he is! I remember this day so well. We all just wanted to hold our new baby brother.
See?? I still just wanted to hold him.

 I just love this picture!!

And one more

And a little more updated of the sisters & mom...

Can't wait for next year...
Another good time.

                                                      I win.

Jul 8, 2013

Being 8 is AWESOME!!

First comes the cake:

Pinata cake. Celebrating with cousins.

Then some scouts:

And then top it ALL of with a special evening of being baptized:

Science Camp Week

Always a fun week for me and my kiddos. This year in Burley. Theme of week: inventions. It was awesome.  I teach and receive university credit that goes towards my re-certification. My favorite day? Mr. Egg. Inventing a contraption to keep Mr. Egg safe from a drop from the firetruck ladder. The kids had a fun ride up!

Jul 1, 2013

We are on the road!!!

first outing of the summer: memorial day May 2013

Went to Black Rock, North of Idaho City. Beautiful and LONG drive on gravel road. Sprinkled during dinner and then poured all night. Thank goodness for a roof over our heads!! (and for a heater!!) So much fun and looking forward to many more trips!

And some of my projects

Yes hanging pictures on the wall is a project for me. This wall is new cause we took out the closet that was there to make our master shower bigger. This is what I decided to put there. 

Saw this on Pinterest and wanted to make it.

And hanging, again..

I just love how this turned out. I've had this table in the basement for a couple of years. When I first finished it, I didn't like how light the top was so when I had a lot of leftover stain from our bathroom cabinets I knew I wanted to use it on this table. Thought of the checkerboard idea when I started on it. It works perfect cause our game board is now broken and in the trash.

I got some old doors from my parents. They were on the original house that my parents had when they first moved to Hansen. I love them and wanted to do a full length mirror on one of them for our master closet. I had so much fun with this project. Mixing paints, glazing, waxing.....everything I ever wanted to try on a piece of furniture. I love how it came out and saved a ton by buying a mirror at restore. The color turned out so beautiful! 

This door bought at restore. Jerek didn't want anything TOO creative, or at all. Solid piece of alder that matches our cabinets in the bathroom and our bedroom furniture. Used the same stain as the cabinets also. I love how it came out. This will be used as the door to the bathroom. Just waiting on some barn door hardware.

And this is my catch all bench. Same color as my full-length door/mirror. Really had fun glazing this with all the lines on the legs.

Phew! I think that was it for May and June! Already starting my list of projects for the fall!