Jan 25, 2010


Emmalee really wanted a picture of the mountains with snow on them. She has been begging to go skiing!


Oh, even better.

I was trying to get a picture of Addi throwing a temper tantrum. She would yell no, turn toward the wall, one hand on her hip the other on the wall, and stand there pouting. Every time she would turn back around and see me trying to take a picture, she would smile and say 'cheese'! Now I know how to get her to stop throwing a fit!
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Spotlight of Addilyn

Addi's static hair.

Reading the paper.

Notice what the article is. BOISE STATE 14-0!

Shoveling cake into the mouth.
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Jan 13, 2010

And he scores!!!

SO, for Christmas I got a digital video camera and I thought I would try it out. Bear with me, this is the first time I've ever done this! Someday I'll be able to edit the videos and everything! I just hope this works. . ..
The kids played soccer on Saturday, just a pick up game. Emmalee scored 3 times and her team creamed the other one. And Blake scored once, the only points on the team, right before the buzzard sounded for the end of the game! He's a regular ol' soccer player. Emmalee does a GREAT job and enjoys playing, but has decided to pursue other interest. (Unfortunately, more expensive interests.) Enjoy AND expect more videos in the future!