Nov 12, 2014

October days


We had some days off so we went to Rigby to be with our dear Hoge friends and Addi's BFF. We had so much fun playing and talking!

And my BFF

Stopped by the Idaho Falls temple for a pic.

Addi had a field trip to the pumpkin patch. We like to be silly.

Addi had her first gymnastics meet! She did awesome!!

And then there's Halloween. It was the Perfect weather! We ended up having a neighborhood potluck dinner before trick-or-treating. Had so much fun with friends and neighbors!

Oct 28, 2014

Portland Girls Trip!

I always look forward to girls weekend with my mom, sisters, and sister-in-laws. We go every other year and I think this was the 1st time in awhile that there has been no babies. We meet up in Portland this year and had a super fun time together.

We went to Pitcock Mansion which was awesome. Got lots of great ideas for my house.

Like this staircase.....

And this view, if I could.

And this mini bathtub/feet cleaner/bum cleaner?

This shower is a full on body wash.

LOTS of great places to EAT like Salt and Straw for ice cream,

voodoo donuts for a sugar high,

Rach even did the contest of eating that hunk of donut under 3 minutes....

Portland Farmers Market

Powell's book store. Seriously awesome.

Tempted to use our life savings for this awesome book...

Portland was so fun to visit! We had a nice relaxing time. Can't wait for next time!

Sep 30, 2014

September is full of.....


This baby girl of mine is 12! How crazy insane is that?! She is so grown up and sweet and happy go girl. Sure love her cute face!

First Sunday in Young Women's!

We also celebrated Jerek's Birthday!


 to Celebration Park in Melba

Throwing with an atlatl. 

Yeah I hit the target....take that kids!


Addi finally got her ears pierced after begging for the last two years. She was crying before it even happened. 



First time playing and it was a hit! Glad I made her do it. She had such a great season!

Capital FUN RUN

 Even with our cousins.

This girl can RUN! Last year to do it and she pulls out with 4th place! 


Other notable items:

Ink explosion at church

Jerek's work is building a new office space downtown. 

I got to go to UT with NO kids to celebrate my sister-in-law having a baby. Had a Fantastic fun time!!

Sep 4, 2014

School stinkin starts

It was a FANTASTIC summer, but life can't always be that fun. On to school, work, sports, and responsibilities....BUT we finished up the last week in style.

We went to Lucky Peak with some friends for our last summer swim...

A little more camping....

Our Back to School dinner....

First Day of School

And date night Spirit of Boise