Jan 25, 2011


"This year I will finish decorating my house."
Simple enough, I can handle this.

I have been so diligent this month looking for ideas, shopping for items, getting outside advice, searching for that one 'perfect' item. I have not bought anything, found anything I'm looking for, and I have more ideas and advice in my head than I have room for.

I'm tired of shopping, I'm tired of thinking, and I have concluded that I just cannot decorate. I'm too picky, indecisive, and cheap. So I bought some ski boots. And I'm going to go skiing. Because it is something that I can do.

My new New Year's resolution:

"This year I will finish decorating my house living room."

Jan 22, 2011

a change

We had haircut night. Blake's hair was getting too wavy. Addi needed a trim to even things up. And Emmalee, who never wants a cut, but usually can be talked into a trim, decided to chop it off. According to her: "Oh mom, I feel like a whole new person!"

her lovely long locks

lovin' their new dos

Jan 20, 2011

And. . ..she's done

Yes, this is Nursery Graduation.

And she couldn't be happier. Now she gets to go to primary with her sister, and brother, and mom. My 'baby' is growing up. :(

Jan 9, 2011

colorful dinner

ok, I just had so much fun with these potatoes I just had to share! All these potatoes came from my parents garden. I honestly have NEVER gotten such a RED potato before! And the purple??? Gorgeous!! (ok, I don't know anyone that gets this excited over potatoes. and even posts about it. Just a farm girl from Idaho!)
seriously, beautiful purple

and the red

and with the golden yellow
I also made purple mashed potatoes. My kids (who NEVER eat mashed potatoes) LOVED them! I guess when I run out of colorful potatoes I'll have to resort to using dye!

Jan 7, 2011

Minute to Win it

The best part of being with Jerek's family is their LOVE for playing games! Jerek's sister put this game together for us all to enjoy. You know the game show "Minute to Win It"?? You have one minute to accomplish a challenge and then you move on to the next round. We played in teams and took turns with the challenges.
Here's my teammate:
team Wicked (ya, those are our old high school jerseys)
And some of our challenges:
matching the lego

cookie travels down your face and into your mouth (with no hands)

penny hose, getting the pennies out

defying gravity, keeping the balloons in the air for a minute
Totally fun! (and of course team wicked won!) 
If you are interested in doing this as a family game night or with another fun couple here's a link to help you out. Enjoy!

Jan 4, 2011

I'm Back!

Vacation time is officially over! It's so nice to have a break but by the end of two weeks, I'm ready for my schedule. We had such an awesome Christmas and New Years. I did miss my family's traditional New Years Celebration. My parents decided to spend 3 weeks on a cruise on the Panama for Christmas so none of my family got together. Jerek's family all got together though and it was nice spending time with all of them. We spend our whole break here in Boise. My goal for the 2 weeks was to not leave the house for groceries, errands, Christmas shopping, etc. And I did it! It was so NICE not to have to leave the house with 3 KIDS in tow to try to get anything done. :)

 Ward Christmas Party/Dance

 Nativity Story

Addi insisted on being the 'princess' at the manger. After explaining to her that there was no princess at the manger, she agreed to being the angel, aka fairy.

 Christmas PJs
 New toys