Sep 26, 2010

Thank you Blake

My sweet little boy. . .and yet so mischievous! I kid you not, he cut my curtains, pulled apart his rug, destroyed his piggy bank, ripped his belt in half, and cut his sister's hair in a matter of days. Or at least I found all the destroyed things in a matter of days.

Here's Addi's new hair cut, courtesy of Blake:  Chopped off some hair in the front.

 Took out a chunk in the back. (right in the middle, where there is no long hair)

And here's the new fix-it do:

(She was fast asleep but you can see I had to do a little 'a-frame' cut.)

I just can't believe my little stinker. I told him next time to cut his OWN hair!

1 comment:

jayna said...

OH my goodness. That is a lot of destruction for such a little guy. He's so quick- that's his M.O., right?! Good thing Addi can rock that cute hair cut! Good job Mom!