Jun 21, 2009

Birthday Boy!

Today is Blake's birthday. With it being Sunday and Father's Day, we decided to celebrate yesterday. He had some friends over and we went to Chuck E Cheese. And then had pizza and cake! He had a good time. He got some new books and was reading one during sacrament. He was loving the pictures of the dinosaurs and exclaimed loudly, "This is AMAZING!" and held the book up high so everyone could see it! He's now my BIG 4 year old!

Dinosaur Cake 

At Chuck E Cheese 

New dinosaur toy. With flashing red eyes! 
3D books! 
Happy Birthday buddy!! I love you!


Jana said...

Cute cake! Did you make that Holly? Way to go. I'll prob be the mom that will buy all the cool cakes cause cake making is not a talent of mine.

Tara said...

Cute Sacrament story!! I LOVE that cake!! Very impressive! Hey - by the way...we are SO mad at you guys for not coming! But...we just MIGHT let you think of a way to make it up to us!! Tee, hee. J/K/ We really did miss ya, though!! Hope you have a FABULOUS 4th!!