Jan 25, 2009

A 'boogie'

Last Sunday Emmalee had a boogie during sacrament meeting. She didn't have a kleenex so she wiped it somewhere. Don't know where, but it ended up on the back of Jerek's white shirt. Didn't notice it until we were home getting ready for lunch. I said, "Jerek, what is that spot on the back of your shirt? It looks like a . . . . oh, it is. . .It's a big booger! Did you have that on your shirt all day? How embarrassing!!!" (Of course, laughing hysterically.) Today in sacrament Emmalee asked for a kleenex this time. I didn't have one. Oops. Guess Jerek will have to help her out again.

1 comment:

Mom Stanger said...

I've seen her with a load on her finger looking for a place to put it. Too funny!