Jul 16, 2014

4th of July

We enjoy going to Mt. Pleasant for the 4th of July. Most of Jerek's dad's family lives in Utah and it's our chance to see them all at the property owned by Jerek's dad and brother. We have so much fun!! Lots to do and lots of people to be with. Most of the family we only see when we head down for this reunion. It's so fun to catch up. And ride four wheelers. And eat good food. And enjoy the spectacular fireworks of small town USA.

Brady and Ruth (Jerek's brother and his wife)

Ashley & Othello (Jerek's sister and her husband)

the hammock might need to be replaced soon.

Stopped on our way out for some yummy greasy food

Sunday dinner and Ashley's and Othello's with everyone who lives in Utah 
 We also hit lagoon on our way out. Our kids had never been so it was fun to take them.

We had so much fun!! Farewell Utah, until Next year!

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