Nov 16, 2011

Halloween madness

I think Halloween is one of the busiest times of the year!! There's picking the costumes, making/buying the costumes, decorating the house, pumpkins to pick and carve, parties to attend, parties at school to help plan and attend, dressing up in the costumes at least 2 times, planning our candy need routes, trick-or-treating, seeing the grandparents in the costumes, and all the night festivities and in bed by 8 for school the next day. (which happened to be DONUTS with dad at 8am....that's all they need after a night of sugar high). No wonder it's a kids favorite holiday. whew. glad that's over and Christmas is on it's way. . .
Em really surprised me by dressing up as a queen/princess/her almighty majesty

decorations at the school monster mash party (her's is the black one)

costume contest at school: WHICH we didn't even get picked as finalist! YES I was sad!

BUT it was all good losing to this beautiful peacock who happens to be Blake's BFF

decorating pumpkins

our annual FHE pumpkin carving night

yes, it IS a princess pumpkin. surprised??

a wonderfully cute halloween treat from my VTers. cake balls!!

Addi now believes that Tinker Bell is in fact, a princess. We had the costume and she really wanted to be a princess. 

One big scary snake


jayna said...

Love the posts- keep up the good work! Those little princess were pretty adorable!

J and A said...

I would totally have voted for your Pac-Man themed costumes, Holly. Love ya, Anna