Mar 25, 2011

Finished Laundry room

my laundry room is finally decorated and finished to my liking. love how it all turned out!
made some curtains

waiting for Jerek to build my pedestals but decided a shelf would be way easier to wait for

love having a counter for all my craft making/sewing projects


carrie @ the boonie life said...

Cool. That fabric is awesome. (It must be nice living down the street from Hancock's fabric store (that's the one, right?).) I'll have to come by and see in person, yes?
Hooray to have a finished room. I'm still working on that. :)

J and A said...

LOOOOOOOVE it! You are surely blessed for your and Jerek's hard work and creativity. What a comfortable and wonderful home that, truly, you have "made" yourselves!