Mar 25, 2011

Finished Laundry room

my laundry room is finally decorated and finished to my liking. love how it all turned out!
made some curtains

waiting for Jerek to build my pedestals but decided a shelf would be way easier to wait for

love having a counter for all my craft making/sewing projects

Mar 23, 2011


hey fam! does this van look familiar to anyone!??!?! it's been driving around my neighborhood!

random pictures found on my camera

soccer star

addi's photography skills

ok, getting better

our summer kittys

Mar 22, 2011

a few fun wedding pictures

check out those heels!! my sister-in-laws shoes

happy to be standing next to those cookies!

don't know what happened to this pict: but look at those yummy custom made heart cookies for the luncheon!

my cute nephew


love you!

all the stanger grandkids

Mar 16, 2011

my model

Besides playing with dolls and dress ups while the others are at school, I can usually talk Addi into doing a few modeling shots for me. Love how these ones turned out.

Mar 13, 2011

oh my

so busy. but a really good busy. we are over illnesses and school projects. (yah!) we had a wedding, valentine's, campout, temple day, family time, school activities, and home projects. and then, you know, the daily activities of life. I've been working on my living room project and have gotten most of that done. I don't think it matters what it is, it just feels good to get something done that you have been working on. (big sigh of relief) I was telling the kids how excited I was that the living room was almost decorated and how easy it was to make my pillows, etc. (They love being my listening ear. . . .) anyway, Emmalee said, "just have it done by summer mom" in her not-really-caring-just-want-my-mom-back voice. 
Here's some pictures to share: