Nov 20, 2011

Love this!!

From Ashley and Othello's wedding: CLASSIC!
catching the bouquet! right in the face!!

Nov 19, 2011

found pictures

I love finding random photos on my phone. Here are a few from who-knows-when.
pretty hot stuff

loves shopping with mom

being helpful I'm sure

what can i say? these girls know how to shop!

it really took me awhile on this one, but i'm guessing san fran

Nov 16, 2011

Halloween madness

I think Halloween is one of the busiest times of the year!! There's picking the costumes, making/buying the costumes, decorating the house, pumpkins to pick and carve, parties to attend, parties at school to help plan and attend, dressing up in the costumes at least 2 times, planning our candy need routes, trick-or-treating, seeing the grandparents in the costumes, and all the night festivities and in bed by 8 for school the next day. (which happened to be DONUTS with dad at 8am....that's all they need after a night of sugar high). No wonder it's a kids favorite holiday. whew. glad that's over and Christmas is on it's way. . .
Em really surprised me by dressing up as a queen/princess/her almighty majesty

decorations at the school monster mash party (her's is the black one)

costume contest at school: WHICH we didn't even get picked as finalist! YES I was sad!

BUT it was all good losing to this beautiful peacock who happens to be Blake's BFF

decorating pumpkins

our annual FHE pumpkin carving night

yes, it IS a princess pumpkin. surprised??

a wonderfully cute halloween treat from my VTers. cake balls!!

Addi now believes that Tinker Bell is in fact, a princess. We had the costume and she really wanted to be a princess. 

One big scary snake

Nov 14, 2011

Addi's 4th Birthday

Party with Princess friends

showing some attitude

dancing performance for the guests

close up of the cake

officially the 4-year old birthday girl

Nov 6, 2011


Jerek and I were watching the big game Sat. night, when we realized we hadn't seen the kids for awhile and things were awfully quiet.    hmm.... I went upstairs to check on them. They were all sitting quietly in front of my computer. Looking at this blog.  I watched them.  Emmalee read out loud and scrolled through the pictures for all to see. They laughed and pointed at different things. They watched the videos. They were having a great time. It does a mother's heart good. And motivates me to keep going. . .

sluggish morning

I tried to stay in bed for as long as I could this morning. Being 11:30 and I just got out of the shower, not a bad morning. On these 1:00 church fast Sundays, I try not to exert any more energy then I need to. That's two good things about 9am church: (1) fast Sundays 'seem' to be shorter and (2) Sunday afternoon naps. Anyway, being Sunday, it's time to catch up on some more blogging. Here's some more from September.
all ready for preschool

hike at shafer butte

birthday boy

capital race

Nov 3, 2011

Em's day

And on to September. . ..

I just can't fathom that my oldest is now 9 years old. She is a joy and a blessing. She's creative in everything she does. She's thoughtful and likes to ask a lot of questions. She's a good student and a good friend.