Jun 21, 2009

Birthday Boy!

Today is Blake's birthday. With it being Sunday and Father's Day, we decided to celebrate yesterday. He had some friends over and we went to Chuck E Cheese. And then had pizza and cake! He had a good time. He got some new books and was reading one during sacrament. He was loving the pictures of the dinosaurs and exclaimed loudly, "This is AMAZING!" and held the book up high so everyone could see it! He's now my BIG 4 year old!

Dinosaur Cake 

At Chuck E Cheese 

New dinosaur toy. With flashing red eyes! 
3D books! 
Happy Birthday buddy!! I love you!

Father & Son outing

Blake has been waiting for this weekend for SO LONG! YEAH for Father & Sons! The boys had a good time. The girls and I painted nails and went to some garage sales!  
And it wore him out! (Jerek was asleep on the other couch.) NICE!

Jun 7, 2009

Kindergarten Graduation

Wow! Kindergarten for Emmalee is Officially OVER! That year went by so FAST! Emma had graduation on Monday and then school got out on Thursday. Now time for bigger and better things, like 1st grade! :) Emma with her teacher, Ms. Galeone (Ms. G).  
 Graduation. They walked down the aisle to the graduation song. So cute!  
Getting her certificate from her principal. 

 The teacher popped balloons over each of the kids' heads. It was filled with confetti. Em didn't care for the loud sound.
The family
 Yeah good job Em!!! She learned so much this year! She now loves to read and write and play 'pretend school' with Blake. (Blake even learned how to write his name.) She'll be a great teacher some day!

First swim of the summer! Yeah!

"My first school lunch"

The school has a program called "my first school lunch" where the kindergarteners get to eat lunch in the school cafeteria to learn how to do it for 1st grade. Emmalee got to bring her little brother to eat lunch with her.

Spaghetti Night!

I think Addi had the most fun with her food.
Although, I didn't get a picture of Jerek. :)

Field day at school

Here's Em's field day at school. I didn't get to show up until the 
last hour but it was fun and Blake and Addi had fun too.